Los Angeles Gadolinium Injury Attorneys

If you had an MRI it is likely you were given a contrast agent to enhance the quality of the imaging. Many of these contrast agents are Gadolinium-based, which can put patients at risk of developing Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy (NFD) or Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) – potentially fatal diseases. These diseases can cause thickening of the skin and other organs, which impedes the motion of these organs and can lead to severe pain or death.

If you believe you developed NFD or NSF after being administered Gadolinium, contact the Denver dangerous medicines attorneys at The Los Angeles Auto Accident Attorneys for a free initial consultation.

Denver Phone: 303-466-3529
Toll Free: 866-701-7302

Other side effects associated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents include:

  • Dark, rough patches on the skin with raised papules or paques.
  • Swelling of the feet and hands.
  • Joint and bone pain.

The FDA published warnings associated with Gadolinium in June 2006, December 2006, and April 2007, but the FDA has also approved five Gadolinium-based contrast agents for use.

The five approved agents are: OptiMARK, Magnevist, MultiHance, Prohance, and the most popular of all – Omniscan Contrast Dye. Omniscan Contrast Dye is used in five out of nine patients when they have an MRI for brain and spine problems.

If you were harmed by an MRI contrast agent, contact the Los Angeles Gadolinium personal injury attorneys at The Los Angeles Auto Accident Attorneys to discuss your case.

Our experience with this firm has been beyond exceptional. Despite the transition of new attorney and new case manager, everything went smooth and as planned. The best of all was the communication between Alexa and my wife. Thank you! We are very pleased and will always recommend this firm!

J. Mujica

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